National Parks
Increased economic activity and development in Ireland in recent decades, while bringing many benefits to the country, has also placed strains on our environment. At the same time, farmers who own the land where much of our wildlife resides are themselves facing an uncertain and difficult future. As agriculture changes, conditions for much of our wildlife will also change. While technological advances provide new environmental opportunities, for example, windfarms provide great possibilities for green energy but these also cost in disturbance in hitherto isolated and untouched mountain areas.
Conserving species in their natural habitats requires a strategic approach to succeed. One of these is to ensure the adequate conservation of habitats where many of our plants and animals live. Rare and fragile species such as the corncrake and the blue cornflower were found all over the country 50 years ago but now have almost disappeared, the demise of these species is linked to change in agricultural practices. To succeed, in conserving our native species we need the support of landowners and people who use or visit the land.
Ireland aims to conserve habitats and species, through designation of conservation areas. This is required of us under European law and our own national laws. The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) is responsible for the designation of conservation sites in Ireland. The NPWS works with farmers, other landowners and users and national and local authorities, trying to achieve the best balance between farming and land-use on the one hand, and requirements for conserving nature in these selected areas, on the other.
- 291 Wexford Wildfowl Reserve
- 333 Raven, The
- 334 Pettigo Plateau
- 335 Slieve Bloom Mountains
- 336 Owenduff Catchment
- 371 Owenboy
- 372 Knockmoyle/Sheskin
- 373 Lough Barra Bog
- 406 North Bull Island
- 412 Rogerstown Estuary
- 413 Baldoyle Bay
- 415 Clara Bog
- 416 Mongan Bog
- 417 Raheenmore Bog
- 440 Tralee Bay
- 470 Castlemaine Harbour
- 471 Easky Bog
- 472 Gearagh, The
- 473 Coole Lough & Garryland Wood
- 474 Pollardstown Fen
- 475 Meenachullion Bog
- 830 Ballycotton Bay
- 831 Ballymacoda
- 832 Sandymount Strand/Tolka Estuary
- 833 Broadmeadow Estuary, The
- 834 Dundalk Bay
- 835 Tramore Backstand
- 836 Blackwater Estuary
- 837 Cork Harbour
- 838 Inner Galway Bay
- 839 Dungarvan Harbour
- 840 Bannow Bay
- 841 Trawbreaga Bay
- 842 Cummeen Strand
- 843 Killala Bay/Moy Estuary
- 844 Blacksod Bay and Broadhaven
- 845 Ballyallia Lough
- 846 Lough Corrib
- 847 Lough Derravaragh
- 848 Lough Ennell
- 849 Lough Glen
- 850 Lough Iron
- 851 Lough Owel
- 852 Lough Gara
- 853 Lough Oughter